Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission R.A.D 269/2021

On the 25th of June 2021, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission published the R.A.D 269/2021 which provides guidance and sets forth additional regulatory requirements to eligible parties regarding the provision of services of financial products that fall...

Registration of commercial vessels

Spyros Arotis- Elena Aroti & Associates would like to announce its successful collaboration with LemonBuoy  in the registration of commercial vessels under the Cyprus Ship Registry for both Cypriot and Foreign Maritime Owners and would like to take this...

Prevention of Bank from freezing and/ or blocking bank accounts

Spyros Arotis- Elena Aroti & Associates applied for, at Court, and acquired successfully through an ex parte application an interim order preventing the Respondent Bank from continuing the preservation and/or freezing and/or blocking of the bank accounts of (our...

Mini Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law

Mini Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission has announced amendments to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law 56 (I)/2013, allowing the licensing of Small Alternative Investment Fund Managers (‘Mini AIFM’). The Mini...

Έκτακτα Διατάγματα ένεκα Κορονοϊου

1.Στις 26/3/20 το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο ενέκρινε Νομοθεσία που αφορά στην αναστολή, μέσω νόμου και διατάγματος του Υπουργού Οικονομικών, της αποπληρωμής δόσεων κεφαλαίου και τόκων για δάνεια προς χρηματοοικονομικούς οργανισμούς για περίοδο εννέα μηνών, μέχρι την...