Litigation & Arbitration
Spyros Arotis- Elena Aroti & Associates Law Firm Areas Of Practice
Spyros Arotis- Elena Aroti & Associates has a wide experience on litigation and on alternative dispute resolution practice, covering all areas of law. We aim to resolve disputes in a timely and efficient manner through rapid assistance and effective legal advice.
When appropriate and feasible, we avoid time consuming and costly court actions through negotiation, arbitration and/or by summary and economic alternatives to a full-lengthy and full-costly litigation and other forms of dispute resolution.
Areas of practice
- Securities & Bail in
- Company & partnership disputes
- Corporate & Commercial
- Tax Law
- Admiralty & Shipping
- Property & Real Estate
- Banking & Finance
- Intellectual property
- Copyrights & Patents
- Competition
- Debt collection
- Construction
- Insurance Law
- European Union law
- Internet law
- Cyber- crime
- Human Rights law (European Court of Human Rights)
- Administrative law
- Criminal matters
- Family law: divorce, custody, arrangement of assets
- Accident & personal injury
- Defamation
- Employment law & unfair dismissal
- Rental & possession law
- Business law
- Medical law